different strokes of life...

Okwudili was involved in crime-kidnapping and abuse of canabis. Nkolika was diagnosed of HIV 1&2, she was a night worker. Before you shrug in disgust wait a minute...
You'd not be so different from these people had you been exposed to their childhood experiences. in other words, if you had been in their positions, you would not be far from what they became. Don't argue yet...
You grew up under the care of your parents. They grew up in a foster home. Your parents made your childhood worthwhile through constant scrutiny. Their supposed care givers never cared. Your parents were not entirely influencing you negatively. Their foster parents were alcoholics and aggressive due to poverty. Your environment was conducive and child friendly (at least, you never bought a condom or Indian hemp for some youths in your vicinity). Their environment was "anti-children" if i may use that word. They knew all sorts of rottenness as a growing child. Your environment was at least 40% friendly. Theirs was not even close to being 5% friendly. They lived in slums and ghettos. You had the opportunity to establish a firm educational foundation at least to acquire an 'O' Level or a diploma. They had no opportunity like you did. They managed to have a primary education. You have a career, you own a business of your own, you are a civil servant. They don't have that opportunity and can not even qualify for a cleaner where you work. Now, if you wanna shrug in disgust still remember that you never chose your destiny at the onset, it chose you. They also never chose theirs. Now, think about these unmerited opportunity of being who you are today so that you limit the frequency at which you label people. Thank God that you were soundly brought up. Before you pronounce judgement of anyone, put your self in their shoes. Peace out.


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